Armchair Philosophizing with Melissa Unger


I am always reading, listening, looking at various subjects in the hopes of better understanding the source of creativity and imagination. I come across people & things in nature, science, philosophy, medicine, the arts, etc that spark my interest and inspire me.

Some are rather esoteric, but I think one has to roam the edges of what’s accepted in order to find innovative solutions and move thought & culture forward.



Each month, I share some subjects I came across in my research that I found particularly interesting. I hope you’ll enjoy them and that they will inspire you to stay curious.




Click on the underlined links for further info.








When was the last time you reflected on the true meaning of the word? I hadn’t done so in a while and found it fascinating.










The concept of the Noosphere

It’s a wild notion, but somehow feels plausible in view of the emergence of increasingly intricate social networks. Try to filter out the New Age rhetoric (if you have a knee jerk negative reaction to that sort of thing) and consider only the philosophic and scientific strands of the theory. It’s quite interesting.










Watch David Lynch talk about consciousness & creativity

As you likely know, this acclaimed filmmaker is a huge proponent of transcendental meditation. Take a peek at The David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness Based Education and World Peace. Talk about going out on a limb to support something you believe in. Impressive.








Other Worlds- A Documentary by Jan Kounen

A friend sent me this great film. Ideal for those interested in learning more about Shamanism and Entheogens.
















Published: June 26th, 2012

Previous in this series:

Without A Doubt

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